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Jslint Validation Error "combine This With The Previous Var Statement"

JSLint Validation error 'combine this with the previous var statement' How do I combine this so I don't get JSLint Validation error? I get the validation error on the lines of code

Solution 1:

This error means that you have multiple var statements in some of your functions, such as:

var x = 1;
var y = 2;

JSLint wants you to combine the variable declarations in a single var statement like:

var x = 1,
    y = 2;

Solution 2:

I think JSLint is referring to these few lines of your code (towards the bottom of the code you have provided):

var userEnteredDate = newDate($('#dateOfLastAccident').val()); // variable that stores user entered datevar today = newDate(); 
var minutes = 1000 * 60; // calculation used to convert miliseconds to minutesvar hours = minutes * 60; // calculation used to conver minutes into hoursvar days = hours * 24; // calculation used to convert hours to daysvar years = days * 365; // calculation used to convert days into yearsvar daysSinceAccident = Math.floor((today.getTime() - userEnteredDate.getTime()) / days); // calculation used to find the difference between current date and user entered date as a whole numbervar className = getClassName(daysSinceAccident); // variable clasName finds the correct css style to apply based on daysSinceAccident

You can avoid declaring them multiple times by delimiting each variable with a comma:

var userEnteredDate = newDate($('#dateOfLastAccident').val()),
    today = newDate(),
    minutes = 1000 * 60,
    hours = minutes * 60,
    days = hours * 24,
    years = days * 36,
    daysSinceAccident = Math.floor((today.getTime() - userEnteredDate.getTime()) / days),
    className = getClassName(daysSinceAccident);

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