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Jquery Validation - Hide Error Message And Don't Submit The Form

I am using jQuery Validate for a form. I have a field that is required, but I don't want to display any error message for the field. I just want the form submission to be blocked.

Solution 1:

Quote OP:

"Is there a way to hide the rendering of the error message for a specific element, while still preventing the form submission?"

See the errorPlacement callback function, which controls where messages are placed.

Use a conditional so that you return false on the specific element, which effectively prevents a message from being placed, while allowing the default message placement on the rest.

    rules: {
    errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
        if (element.attr('name') == 'myName') {
            returnfalse;  // no message placement
        } else {
            error.insertAfter(element); // default message placement


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