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I Need To Match A Certain Part Of Url Path Using Regex And Javascript

I have the following link: I want to grab the following: 'PageID=13078494'. This is what I have so far: var url = '

Solution 1:

Your regex and its syntax are wrong.

A better way would be to not use a regex at all. Use .split() instead:

var urlmatch = url.split('?')[1];

Here's the fiddle:

Solution 2:

var myregexp = /[?&]PageID=(\d+)/i;
var match = myregexp.exec(url);
if (match != null) {
    //This is if your match it successful
    result = match[1];
} else {
    //This is if url doesn't match
    result = "";

This one will work regardless of where PageID is. It will match

  • Default.html?foo=bar&PageID=13078494&bar=foo

Importantly, it WON'T match


Or without the checking, simply url.match(/[?&]PageID=(\d+)/i)[1], but I'd advice against that unless your SURE it will always match.

Solution 3:

Try the following regex, which will extract the PageID and place it in the first match group:

var url = "";
urlmatch = url.match(/PageID=(\d+)/);
alert(urlmatch[1]);​ // 13078494

Solution 4:

If you are matching specific value, then it's fine, otherwise use below to match any number of digits in pageID:



var url = "";
    var urlmatch = url.match(/PageID=\d+/);

or to match 8 exact digits in pageID, use:



var url = "";
    var urlmatch = url.match(/PageID=\d{8}/);

Solution 5:

When it comes to handling URLs, the browser is pretty good.

You should convert your string to an actual URL like so:

var toURL = function (href) {
    var a = document.createElement('a');
    a.href = href;
    return a;

Now use the browser's built-in parsing capabilities:

var url = toURL('');

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