How To Read A Json Object In Js
Solution 1:
First you need to parse the JSON string into JavaScript object, and then access the required property:
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
In older browsers which do not have native JSON support, you should use something like Crockford's json2.js, which will give you one; please don't use eval() on JSON, as it can lead to pretty bad things all around.
Solution 2:
Use $.parseJSON
(or JSON.parse in modern browsers) to convert your string into a Javascript object:
var json = '[{"portal.home":"Home"},{"":"Item ID"},{"displaytag.tracking.itemName":"Item Name"},{"displaytag.tracking.itemType":"Type"}]';
var object = $.parseJSON(json);
In your case your JSON string will create an array, so you will need to get the object at the correct index:
var portalHomeValue = object[0]["portal.home"];
Solution 3:
In case you have the JSON directly in your javascript source (which I don't assume, but I'm adding this for others), you can just remove the quotes, and javascript creates an object based on it:
var obj = [{"portal.home":"Home"},{"":"Item ID"},{"displaytag.tracking.itemName":"Item Name"},{"displaytag.tracking.itemType":"Type"}];
Solution 4:
You can directly access by following
var data =JSON.parse('[{"Item_Number":"M71118LHB","Description":"MENS ONESIE"}]');
var desc = data[0].Description;
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