How To Iterate A Result Of Jquery Selector April 01, 2024 Post a Comment I want to iterate a result of query selector. Html code nav1Solution 1: Use $.each$("#navigation > a").each(function() { console.log(this.href) }); Copy$('#navigation > a')[0] ^ ^---- Selects the 1st dom objectfrom the jQuery object | that is nothing but the index of the element among | the list of elements |------- Gives you children of nav(3 anchor tags inthiscase) which is a jQuery object that contains the list of matched elements CopySolution 2: If you want to iterate all <a> tags, you can use each function$('#navigation >a').each(function() { alert(this.href); }); Copyand if you only want to get the first <a> tag then use .eq()alert($('#navigation >a').eq(0).attr('href'); CopySolution 3: Use first() like this:var element = $("#navigation>a").first(); console.log(element); CopyReference Solution 4: In jQuery, when you use index like [0], it means you are access the DOM element. That is why$("#navigation >a")[0] Copyreturns <a> tag.Baca JugaJavascript Canvas Element - Array Of ImagesFor Loop Displays Only First Item In ArrayLooping Transition In D3 Version 4 And 5In order to iterate a jQuery selector result, use each$("#navigation >a").each(function(index, elem){ }); CopySolution 5: You can use jQuery built-in each() for this iteration like this: $("#navigation>a").each(function(index){ console.log("I am " + index + "th element."); //and you can access this element by $(this) }); Copy Share You may like these postsFor Loop Displays Only First Item In ArrayJavascript Canvas Element - Array Of ImagesLooping Transition In D3 Version 4 And 5In Javascript, What Are Specific Reasons Why Creating Functions Within A Loop Can Be Computationally Wasteful? Post a Comment for "How To Iterate A Result Of Jquery Selector"
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