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How To Format Number The Using Jquery

I am trying to remove the number which are coming after '.' then i want to format the number (16810900.211233) to like this (16,810,900) but i dont know how to do that here is my

Solution 1:

Ripped from

No point in reinventing the wheel.. :)

* Formats the number according to the ‘format’ string;
* adherses to the american number standard where a comma
* is inserted after every 3 digits.
*  note: there should be only 1 contiguous number in the format,
* where a number consists of digits, period, and commas
*        any other characters can be wrapped around this number, including ‘$’, ‘%’, or text
*        examples (123456.789):
*          ‘0′ - (123456) show only digits, no precision
*          ‘0.00′ - (123456.78) show only digits, 2 precision
*          ‘0.0000′ - (123456.7890) show only digits, 4 precision
*          ‘0,000′ - (123,456) show comma and digits, no precision
*          ‘0,000.00′ - (123,456.78) show comma and digits, 2 precision
*          ‘0,0.00′ - (123,456.78) shortcut method, show comma and digits, 2 precision
* @method format
* @param format {string} the way you would like to format this text
* @return {string} the formatted number
* @public
*/Number.prototype.format = function(format) {
  if (! isType(format, ’string’)) {return ”;} // sanity check var hasComma =-1< format.indexOf(’,'),
    psplit = format.stripNonNumeric().split(’.'),
    that = this; 

  // compute precisionif (1< psplit.length) {
    // fix number precision
    that = that.toFixed(psplit[1].length);
  // error: too many periodselseif (2< psplit.length) {
    throw(’NumberFormatException: invalid format, formats should have no more than 1 period: ‘ + format);
  // remove precisionelse {
    that = that.toFixed(0);

  // get the string now that precision is correctvar fnum = that.toString(); 

  // format has comma, then compute commasif (hasComma) {
    // remove precision for computation
    psplit = fnum.split(’.'); 

    var cnum = psplit[0],
      parr = [],
      j = cnum.length,
      m =Math.floor(j /3),
      n = cnum.length %3||3; // n cannot be ZERO or causes infinite loop // break the number into chunks of 3 digits; first chunk may be less than 3for (var i =0; i < j; i += n) {
      if (i !=0) {n =3;}
      parr[parr.length] = cnum.substr(i, n);
      m -=1;

    // put chunks back together, separated by comma
    fnum = parr.join(’,'); 

    // add the precision back inif (psplit[1]) {fnum += ‘.’ + psplit[1];}

  // replace the number portion of the format with fnumreturn format.replace(/[\d,?\.?]+/, fnum);

Solution 2:

The Globalize library is the simplest way to accomplish your goal. This allows you to specify a format and account for the way that different cultures handle number grouping. For example:


results in 16,810,900

Solution 3:

$("p").text(function(i, v) {
    if (v == "-")
        return v; // or whatever you want to to with these
    v = v.split(".")[0]; // remove anything after the first "."
    v = v.replace(/[^\d]/g, ""); // remove non-numeric charactersvargroup = 3;
    var min = v.length > 4 ? group : 4; // format thousands without separatorfor (var res=[], i=v.length; i>min; i-=group)
        res.push(v.substr(i-group, group));
    return res.reverse().join(".");

This will format numbers even with the thousand separator not set for 4-character-numbers.

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