Es6 Classes - Updating Static Properties
Solution 1:
There's no such thing as static all = []
in ES6. Class instance and static fields are currently stage 3 proposals which can be used via a transpiler, e.g. Babel. There's already existing implementation in TypeScript that may be incompatible with these proposals in some way, yet static all = []
is valid in TS and ES.Next.
Geo.all = [];
is valid and preferable way to do this in ES6. The alternative is getter/setter pair - or only a getter for read-only property:
static get all() {
if (!this._all)
this._all = [];
constructor() { ... }
Tracking instances in static property can't generally be considered a good pattern and will lead to uncontrollable memory consumption and leaks (as it was mentioned in comments).
Solution 2:
This works for me for static properties.
classNeoGeo {
constructor() {
staticgettopScore () {
if (NeoGeo._topScore===undefined) {
NeoGeo._topScore = 0; // set default here
return NeoGeo._topScore;
staticsettopScore (value) {
NeoGeo._topScore = value;
And your example:
classNeoGeo {
constructor() {
console.log("instance count:" + NeoGeo.all.length);
staticgetall () {
if (NeoGeo._all===undefined) {
NeoGeo._all = [];
return NeoGeo._all;
staticsetall (value) {
NeoGeo._all = value;
staticaddInstance(instance) {
// add only if not already addedif (NeoGeo.all.indexOf(instance)==-1) {
Note: In the getter you could also check for the existence of the property using the in
keyword or the hasOwnProperty
staticgettopScore () {
if (!("_topScore"in NeoGeo)) {
NeoGeo._topScore = 0; // set default here
return NeoGeo._topScore;
And using hasOwnProperty
staticgettopScore () {
if (NeoGeo.hasOwnProperty("_topScore")==false) {
NeoGeo._topScore = 0; // set default here
return NeoGeo._topScore;
Solution 3:
I recently had a similar issue of creating static classes.
I first tried it with constant class variables, but Chrome debugger threw an error. So I defined the class variables 'static', also the getter methods.
Worked in Chrome.
classTestClass {
//static properties.static _prop1 = [ 'A', 'B', 'C'];
static _prop2 = true;
static _prop3 = 'some String';
//constructor. Commented out because the class only has static elements.//constructor () {}//Getters.static get prop1 () {
static get prop2 () {
static get prop3 () {
Solution 4:
The only way to properly add a getter is to extend the class and use that extended class.
class Basic {
get firstGetter() {
return 'firstGetter'
class ExtendedClass extends Basic {
get firstGetter() {
return 'updatedFirstGetter'
Solution 5:
Update your node to the version 12 or up and that's it ;)
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