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Environment Variables In An Isomorphic Js App: Webpack Find & Replace?

I'm using webpack to bundle an isomorphic JS app (based on this example) so that the browser runs the same code as the server. Everything is running smoothly except I have a config

Solution 1:

Note that using the DefinePlugin as suggested in the accepted answer is potentially a dangerous action as it completely exposes process.env. As Tobias commented above there's actually a plugin EnvironmentPlugin that does exactly this with an added whitelisting ability, using DefinePlugin internally.

In your webpack.config.js:

  plugins: [
    new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin([

Solution 2:

In your webpack.config.js, use the following preLoaders (or postLoaders),

  module: {
    preLoaders: [
      { test: /\.js$/, loader: "transform?envify" },

Another way using the webpack.DefinePlugin:

plugins: [
      'process.env': Object.keys(process.env).reduce(function(o, k) {
        o[k] = JSON.stringify(process.env[k]);
        return o;
      }, {})

NOTE: The old method using envify-loader was deprecated:

DEPRECATED: use transform-loader + envify instead.

Solution 3:

Yeah; looks like envify-loader was the easy solution.

I just added the following to my webpack loaders:

  test: /config\.js$/, loader: "envify-loader"

And the config.js (and only that file) is modified to include any referenced environment variables statically :)

Solution 4:

I needed a way to use the env variables set on the machine that is running the code, no the env variables of the machine building the app.

I do not see a solution for this yet. This is what I did.

In publicEnv.js:

// List of the env variables you want to use on the client. Careful on what you put here!const publicEnv = [

const isBrowser = typeofwindow !== 'undefined';
const base = (isBrowser ? window.__ENV__ : process.env) || {};

const env = {};
for (const v of publicEnv) {
  env[v] = base[v];
exportdefault env;

In the HTML template file of the page I have:

import publicEnv from'publicEnv.js';


  window.__ENV__ = ${stringify(publicEnv)};

  // Other things you need here...window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = ${stringify(initialState)};

So now I can get the value of the env variable on both frontend and backend with:

import publicEnv from'publicEnv.js';


console.log("Google Analytic code is", publicEnv.GA_ID);

I hope it can help.

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