Dealing With Slow Electron Startup
Context I have spent some hours playing with Electron and I have observed that it consistently takes more than 2.5 seconds to draw a trivial html file to the screen. The timeline i
Solution 1:
Short answer
Windows Defender is causing the slowdown, so this is not an Electron problem.
Long answer
It turns out that Windows Defender real-time protection causes startup to last much longer than needed. After turning real-time protection off, we achieved acceptable performance:
- 55 ms: app ready
- 150 ms: blank window shown
- 500 ms: HTML loaded and shown
This means that option 1 of my proposed solutions (showing a splash screen) should work quite well for slow-loading apps.
The only thing left is to figure out how to solve the Windows Defender problem. For that purpose, I have asked a new question.
Solution 2:
What if you hid your window until it's ready to show, then show your window, and while your window's hidden show a loading spinner.
First only show your main window until after it's ready:
var mainWindow = newBrowserWindow({
show: false
mainWindow.webContents.once('did-finish-load', function ()
Meanwhile show a loading spinner:
var loadingWindow = newBrowserWindow({
width: 200,
height: 200,
transparent: (process.platform != 'linux'), // Transparency doesn't work on Linux.resizable: false,
frame: false,
alwaysOnTop: true,
hasShadow: false,
title: "Loading..."
loadingWindow.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '/loadingAnimation.gif');
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