Create New Multidimensional Array Based On This Existing Array Objec
I'm stuck to construct a new multidimensional array based on this existing array object acl:[ { view:true, update:true, remove:true, userId:1, username:'Mike' },
Solution 1:
You can use reduce
to group into an object of arrays:
const acl=[{view:!0,update:!0,remove:!0,userId:1,username:"Mike"},{view:!0,update:!0,remove:!1,userId:2,username:"Joe"},{view:!0,update:!1,remove:!1,userId:3,username:"Lim"}];
acl.reduce((a, { view, update, remove, userId, username }) => {
const obj = { username, userId };
if (view) a.view.push(obj);
if (update) a.update.push(obj);
if (remove) a.remove.push(obj);
return a;
}, { view: [], update: [], remove: [] })
Or, if the username / userId objects need to be separate references, you can use spread:
const acl=[{view:!0,update:!0,remove:!0,userId:1,username:"Mike"},{view:!0,update:!0,remove:!1,userId:2,username:"Joe"},{view:!0,update:!1,remove:!1,userId:3,username:"Lim"}];
acl.reduce((a, { view, update, remove, userId, username }) => {
const obj = { username, userId };
if (view) a.view.push({...obj});
if (update) a.update.push({...obj});
if (remove) a.remove.push({...obj});
return a;
}, { view: [], update: [], remove: [] })
Solution 2:
Normally I wouldn't answer this but the number of people telling you to use reduce is killing me.
The neatest way to do this (if you're only working with view/update/remove) would be to use filters. They actually describe the action you're trying to take.
const acl2 = {
view: acl.filter(({view}) => view),
update: acl.filter(({update}) => update),
remove: acl.filter(({remove}) => remove),
Solution 3:
const acl = [{"view":true,"update":true,"remove":true,"userId":1,"username":"Mike"},{"view":true,"update":true,"remove":false,"userId":2,"username":"Joe"},{"view":true,"update":false,"remove":false,"userId":3,"username":"Lim"}]
functionmulti_dim (array) {
const res = {
view: [],
update: [],
remove: []
const keys = Object.keys(array[0])
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
keys.forEach(function (key) {
if (key !== 'username' && key !== 'userId') {
if (array[i][key]) {
username: array[i].username,
userId: array[i].userId
return res
let obj = multi_dim(acl) // returns object. Push to array if so desired
// => result// {// "view": [// {// "username": "Mike",// "userId": 1// },// {// "username": "Joe",// "userId": 2// },// {// "username": "Lim",// "userId": 3// }// ],// "update": [// {// "username": "Mike",// "userId": 1// },// {// "username": "Joe",// "userId": 2// }// ],// "remove": [// {// "username": "Mike",// "userId": 1// }// ]// }
Solution 4:
You can use Array.prototype.reduce()
as follows:
const permissions = ['view', 'update', 'remove'];
const output = acl.reduce((a, v) => {
permissions.forEach(p => {
if (v[p]) a[p].push({username: v.username, userId: v.userId});
return a;
}, permissions.reduce((a, p) => ({ ...a, [p]: []}), {}));
const acl = [{
view: true,
update: true,
remove: true,
userId: 1,
username: "Mike"
view: true,
update: true,
remove: false,
userId: 2,
username: "Joe"
view: true,
update: false,
remove: false,
userId: 3,
username: "Lim"
const permissions = ['view', 'update', 'remove'];
const output = acl.reduce((a, v) => {
permissions.forEach(p => {
if (v[p]) a[p].push({username: v.username, userId: v.userId});
return a;
}, permissions.reduce((a, p) => ({ ...a, [p]: []}), {}));
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