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Tinymce Powerpaste Plugin Not Always Creates Base64 String For Images When Copying

I am using TinyMCE PowerPaste plugin automatically to copy and paste content from Microsoft Word and other HTML sources. I am setting up to true powerpaste_allow_local_images in or

Solution 1:

PowerPaste brings images in from MS Word content because Word places a "local" image in the content (e.g. file:///path/to/image.png). When PowerPaste sees that local image it grabs an image binary from the RTF flavor in the clipboard - that is why you get a Base64 encoded image when you copy/paste from Word.

If you copy/paste from some online resource (e.g. something open in a browser) there is no "local" image - there is just a proper <img> tag in the HTML. As there is no image binary anywhere in the clipboard PowerPaste won't create a Base64 encoded image.

In this situation PowerPaste is working exactly as expected.

Please note that if you are a customer who has purchased PowerPaste you can get support from our support team (

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