Sending Binary Data To Amazon S3 (javascript)
Amazon S3 interprets my binary data as non-UTF-8 and modifies it when I write to a bucket. Example using the official s3 Javascript client: var png_file = new Buffer( 'iVBORw0KGgoA
Solution 1:
S3 putObject()
assumes either a Buffer or an UTF-8 string. I should have sent the binary as it, not as a "binary string", meaning using new Buffer(...)
instead of new Buffer(...).toString("binary")
Solution 2:
It seems unlikely that S3 is actually modifying the content you are uploading. It seems nore likely that it's being interpreted incorrectly on download, because this does not seem valid for a png:
That's not correct for a png file. I would suggest that this is what you want:
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