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Right To Left Mask Input With Jquery

I have the following mask input in jQuery: $('#id_Account').mask('9999',{placeholder:'0'}) The current behaviour of this textbox is to have zeros as placeholder to type the numb

Solution 1:

Sounds like this is a feature that the plugin doesn't support. It's simple enough to implement yourself, why not create it (and send a PR to the plugin to add it)?

Here's something to start you out:

functionprependMask(input,mask) {
  var m_len = mask.length, i_len = input.length; // get |mask| - |input|

  if i_len <= m_len {
    return Array(m_len - i_len).join(mask[0]) + input; // prepend mask of length (|m| - |input|) to input
  } else { 
    returninput; // no need for mask

Solution 2:

I implemented myself with something like this:

<input name="myaccount1"type="text" style="text-align:right" onchange="mask_account(this)">

This is the function:

            var qty_chars = field_account.value.length;
            var zeros = ''for (i=0; i < 4 - qty_chars; i++ ){
                zeros= zeros + '0';

            var new_value = zeros + field_account.value;
            field_account.value = new_value;

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