Reproduce Aes Decryption Method From C# In Javascript
I am trying to reproduce the following C# decryption method in JavaScript. This method is used to decrypt short strings: names, addresses, email addresses, etc. It feels tantalisin
Solution 1:
Thanks to kelalaka I managed to figure this out!
This was the code I ended up with.
import atob from 'atob';
import forge from 'node-forge';
constInitVector= [0x00, ...];
constEncryptionKey='Some Encryption Key';
constinitKey= Buffer.from(InitVector).toString(); // Changed this to `initKey`constconvertBase64StringToUint8Array= input => {
constdata= atob(input);
constarray= Uint8Array.from(data, b => b.charCodeAt(0));
return array;
constdecrypt= cipher => {
constcipherArray= convertBase64StringToUint8Array(cipher);
constkey= forge.pkcs5.pbkdf2(EncryptionKey, iv, 1000, 32);
* Added the following
* Note the key size = 48
* This was due to the fact that the C# dictated that
* the IV was 16 bytes, starting at the end of the key.
*/constkeyAndIV= forge.pkcs5.pbkdf2(encryptionKey, initKey, 1000, 32 + 16);
* Therefore, we cut the iv from the new string
*/constiv= keyAndIV.slice(32, 32 + 16); // 16 bytesconstdecipher= forge.cipher.createDecipher(
decipher.start({ iv });
decipher.update(forge.util.createBuffer(cipherArray, 'raw'));
constresult= decipher.finish();
if (result) {
} else {
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