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Refresh Other Frame, From Another Frame. Jquery

Is it possible to reload the page, where the user came from or, even better, reload the frame the user came from, if it matches an URL? I have a link. The user clicks it, and it op

Solution 1:

Alright. Here is what you do (just an example, tested, works):


<framesetcols="50%, 50%"><framename="f1"src="frame1.html"><framename="f2"src="frame2.html"></frameset>


<inputtype="button" name="test" value="Refresh" onclick="parent.f2.location.reload()"> 


<span>Hello World</span>

variable parent is the parent of the current frame.

Read this page. its really helpful

Hope that helps

Solution 2:

I think it is not possible if you open another window It would however be possible if you just use some kind of overlaying frame like jqmodal

the README should give you the necessary instructions:

Solution 3:

How about loading the hyperlink url in the same page and redirect the user to the parent page after the form update is done.

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