Query Scrollto Does Not Work In Firefox
I'm using the scrollTo jquery library in a page I'm building, and it works with Chrome, Safari, and IE 8/9, but not with firefox. Firebug tells me, TypeError: $('#wrapper').scrollT
Solution 1:
Well, it seems a popup blocker caused a conflict! The OP found that Kaspersky installed a security add on in firefox, and was blocking scrollTo.
More: http://github.com/mootools/mootools-core/issues/2202
I sometimes get that error when my jQuery code is not enclosed in a $(document).ready(function() {...your jquery statements here ...});
Your function doesn't have to be inside doc ready but the statement that calls it should be.
Solution 2:
Works for me (fiddle). Did you include jQuery in your html?
This is how you can do it (BEFORE your ScrollTo library, of course):
Solution 3:
Instead of using scrollTo I used scrollIntoView and it worked in FireFox, Chrome and IE.
Example :
var element = document.querySelector('.navbar-brand');
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