Make Html5 Draggable Items Scroll The Page?
I'm using the HTML5 attribute draggable = 'true' on some of my divs on my webpage. I want it so that when you drag one of these items to the bottom of the page, it scrolls the page
Solution 1:
here is a code that will scroll-up or scroll-down your page while you are dragging something. Just placing your dragging object at top or bottom of the page. :)
var stop = true;
$(".draggable").on("drag", function (e) {
stop = true;
if (e.originalEvent.clientY < 150) {
stop = false;
if (e.originalEvent.clientY > ($(window).height() - 150)) {
stop = false;
$(".draggable").on("dragend", function (e) {
stop = true;
var scroll = function (step) {
var scrollY = $(window).scrollTop();
$(window).scrollTop(scrollY + step);
if (!stop) {
setTimeout(function () { scroll(step) }, 20);
Solution 2:
I have made a simple JavaScript drag and drop class. It can automatically scroll up or down the page while dragging. See this jsfiddle. Also avaliable at my github page. Dragging at a high speed is not recommended now. I need to work out that.
Code below is a part of the library.
var autoscroll = function (offset, poffset, parentNode) {
var xb = 0;
var yb = 0;
if (poffset.isBody == true) {
var scrollLeft = poffset.scrollLeft;
var scrollTop = poffset.scrollTop;
var scrollbarwidth = (document.documentElement.clientWidth - document.body.offsetWidth); //Allvar scrollspeed = (offset.right + xb) - (poffset.right + scrollbarwidth);
if (scrollspeed > 0) {
this.scrollLeft(parentNode, scrollLeft + scrollspeed);
scrollspeed = offset.left - (xb);
if (scrollspeed < 0) {
this.scrollLeft(parentNode, scrollLeft + scrollspeed);
scrollspeed = (offset.bottom + yb) - (poffset.bottom);
if (scrollspeed > 0) {
this.scrollTop(parentNode, scrollTop + scrollspeed);
scrollspeed = - (yb);
if (scrollspeed < 0) {
this.scrollTop(parentNode, scrollTop + scrollspeed);
} else {
var scrollLeft = offset.scrollLeft;
var scrollTop = offset.scrollTop;
var scrollbarwidth = parentNode.offsetWidth - parentNode.clientWidth; //17var scrollbarheight = parentNode.offsetHeight - parentNode.clientHeight; //17var scrollspeed = (offset.right + xb) - (poffset.right - scrollbarwidth);
if (scrollspeed > 0) {
this.scrollLeft(parentNode, scrollLeft + scrollspeed);
scrollspeed = offset.left - (xb + poffset.left);
if (scrollspeed < 0) {
this.scrollLeft(parentNode, scrollLeft + scrollspeed);
scrollspeed = (offset.bottom + scrollbarheight + yb) - (poffset.bottom);
if (scrollspeed > 0) {
this.scrollTop(parentNode, scrollTop + scrollspeed);
scrollspeed = - (yb +;
if (scrollspeed < 0) {
this.scrollTop(parentNode, scrollTop + scrollspeed);
Solution 3:
If you want to use dragable you should know that it is now HTML 5 feature, its jQuery, so check it out here
Used like this
$( "#draggable" ).draggable();
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