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Javascript Runtime In Rails 3.1.0 And Ruby 1.9.2. Cant Deal With With Heroku. Did Everything, But Still Does Not Working

Please help, it's my studying project. It work locally but not online: Hello, it is said that i dont need special gems like 'therubyracer' in rails 3.1.0 but it writes in 'heroku l

Solution 1:

I'm using Rails 3.1 on Heroku with the assets pipeline, in addition to the assets group in my gemfile I have;

group :productiondo
 gem 'therubyracer-heroku'end

which seems to be what you're missing,

Solution 2:

group :production do

gem 'therubyracer-heroku'


Then bundle update at local machine before uploading source code to heroku.

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