Issue With The Defenitelytyped Of Axios
I have installed axios both with npm and typings. Now, to use it in TypeScript, I need to pass to it a type (T). The problem is that this T is used for both the interface of the re
Solution 1:
It seems the current implementation does not fully use generics. But you can extend it.
Install axios types with
npm i@types/axios
Then create a file typings\axios.d.ts
declare namespace Axios {
interface AxiosInstance {
<TRequest, TResponse>(config: AxiosXHRConfig<TRequest>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<TResponse>>;
post<TRequest, TResponse>(url: string, data?: TRequest, config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<TResponse>): IPromise<AxiosXHR<TResponse>>;
This will allow you to use:
import * as axios from'axios';
interfaceDataToSend {
name: string;
interfaceDataToReceive {
status: number;
axios<DataToReceive>({ url: '' }).then(r =>;
axios<DataToSend, DataToReceive>({
url: '',
method: 'POST',
data: { name: '' },
}).then(r =>;<DataToSend, DataToReceive>('', { name: 'test' })
.then(r =>;
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