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Is There A Means Of Executing Code During The Startup Of Apache Tomcat 6.x To Perform Initialization Routines, Etc.?

I want to initialize a global instance of a class before my Tomcat server completes startup and begins to offer my servlets. If this service somehow fails initialization, I'd like

Solution 1:

Each web application has a ServletContext associated with it. The ServletContext object is created when the application is started and is destroyed when the application is shut down. A ServletContext has a global scope and is similar to a global variable in an application.

complete explanation here

Solution 2:

One thing you can do portably is to implement a servlet that initializes everything you need in its init() method (and maybe call System.exit() if it fails, i do not know if you have permission to do this in Tomcat). Then you would load it using <load-on-startup> in your web.xml to specify initialization order.

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