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How To Assign The Result Of A Promise To Array Elements Using .map()?

I am using AngularJS here, but if you have a more generic answer I’ll be glad to know about it. I have an array of elements containing ids myArray = [{ id: 0, foo: 'foo' }, {

Solution 1:

Chaining asynchronous functions is a tricky old problem. Here's a way of doing it in Vanilla Javascript (with or without Angular):

var myArray = [
    id: 0,
    foo: "foo"
    id: 1,
    bar: "bar"

var asyncChain = function(myFunction){
  var nextThingToDo = function(){
// In this example, myFunction is getArrayItemInfo// nextThingToDo is goToNextArray Item// This is how Express.js and Node do things// Yes, nextThingToDo is calling itself// If this seems weird, it's because it is. Yay, Javascript.var index = 0;
var getArrayItemInfo = function(goToNextArrayItem){
  if(index < myArray.length){
    Service.getInformations({id: index}, function(data){
      myArray[index].data = data; // You can do something with the data here
      index += 1;
      goToNextArrayItem(); // Move on to the next item when the asynchronous part is done// Without this, execution would stop here


Here's a simple example that you can try without Angular:

var myArray = ["One sec", "Two secs", "Three secs", "...and that's all."];
var asyncChain = function(myFunction){
  var next = function(){
var index = 0;
var getArrayItemInfo = function(goToNextArrayItem){
  if(index < myArray.length){
      document.write(myArray[index] + "<br />");
      index += 1;
    }, 1000);

Solution 2:

You could do something like this, using built in $q service on angular.

You can iterate over the elements, make a call to the service and return a promise and execute the callback only when all async operations are complete.

In this case callback takes an array of results from their respective calls.

var app = angular.module("sampleApp", []);

app.controller("sampleController", ["$scope", "$q", "sampleService",
  function($scope, $q, sampleService) {
    var randomArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

    var promisesArray = => {
      return sampleService.getInformations(input)

    $q.all(promisesArray).then(function(outputArray) {
      console.log("Results Array");

app.service("sampleService", function() {
  this.getInformations = function(value) {
    var promise = newPromise(function(resolve, reject) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        value = value * 2;
      }, 1000);

    return promise;

Solution 3:

Promise.all( =>newPromise((resolve, reject) => {
  Service.getInformations({id:}, resolve, reject)
}).then((resultArray) => {
  //reduce result
}).catch((errorArray)=> {
  //reduce error

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