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Google Maps Api: Create A Store Locator

Today I am trying to make a store locator using google maps' api. The store locator is to be set up like so: two areas, one with a map containing all the stores in a given area (me

Solution 1:

Forget about closures for a moment. You can dive into those once you get a working app. I think you're goal at this point to should be to just get something that accomplishes what you want.

To me, it seems like the only piece you're missing is the idea of a callback function. For instance, addElementToList would be passed as the callback argument to geocoder.getLocaitons. The way it works is that when getLocations() finishes, it calls addElementToList and supplies the result from getLocations() as an argument to addElementToList. The code for addElementToList will then add your store location to the map as a marker and add a new element to your html list with the store's name or address or whatever.

Take a look at this blog post for a simple example using a callback: Introducing Google's Geocoding Service.

The last part, centering on a specific store, can be done (as you suggested) with event listeners. You can set up a listener for clicks on the markers and also for clicks on your list. When you add a marker, you can also add an event listener on it. It'd be nice if you could set one listener for all markers on the map but I'm not familiar enough with google's API to know if this is possible.

Solution 2:

What is your source for that information? placeMarker certainly doesn't ring a bell. The Google Maps API reference (complete with examples!) is available at

Solution 3:

Based on your comment to @Rushyo's answer- it seems like you know enough about Javascript and the Google Maps API to construct those functions. I'm a little confused as to what you're looking for.

I would suggest however, that you add lat/lon coordinates to your database in the first place. You shouldn't have to geocode the addresses every time the map is loaded.

Update: In response to your comment below, here is the code you referenced - along with the addAddressToMap() function called by the Geocoder. It creates a marker for each address and adds it to the array markerList. You can then access the markers in that array later, since we initialized it outside the scope of the addAddressToMap() function.

for(var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { 
    var address = locations[i]['address'] + ', ' + locations[i]['city'] + ' ' + locations[i]['state'] + ', ' + locations[i]['zip_code'];
    geocoder.getLocations(address, addAddressToMap); 

var markerList = newarray();

functionaddAddressToMap(response) {
    if (!response || response.Status.code != 200) {
        alert("\"" + address + "\" not found");
  } else {
      place = response.Placemark[0];
      point = new GLatLng(place.Point.coordinates[1], place.Point.coordinates[0]);
      marker = new GMarker(point);

Update 2: In response to the code you posted in your question above, you're probably getting random numbers in currentLocation because of the asynchronous nature of the Geocoder. Remember that your getLocations() function will send requests for every location in the array before it gets any responses back.

Solution 4:

I'm creating a new answer, since my other answer is getting messy.

In order to get proper closure, you'll need to create a separate function to make the geocoder request. The following code will allow you to assign the desired infoWindow text to each marker.

for(var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
    var address = locations[i]['address'] + ', ' + locations[i]['city'] + ' ' + locations[i]['state'] + ', ' + locations[i]['zip_code'];
    var text = locations[i]['address']; // or whatever you want the text to be
    getLocation(address, text);


functiongetLocation(address, text) {
    geocoder.getLocations(address, function(response) {
        var place = response.Placemark[0];
        var point = newGLatLng(place.Point.coordinates[1], place.Point.coordinates[0]);
        marker = newGMarker(point);
        marker.bindInfoWindowHtml(text); // note that if you want to use GEvent.addListener() instead - you'll need to create another function to get proper closure

For more info on closure in Google maps, see these questions:

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