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Expanding A Hidden Div By Referring With An Anchor From External Page

I have a script which hides (display:none) certain divs in the list on page load. Div contents represents description of a book, and the whole list is some sort of bibliography. E

Solution 1:

You can do something like this on the target page:

window.onload = function() {
    var hash = window.location.hash; // would be "#div1" or somethingif(hash != "") {
        var id = hash.substr(1); // get rid of #document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';

Essentially, you check on the page load whether the window's href has a hash attached to it. If it does, you find the <div> and change the style display to block.

Solution 2:

Thank you! I figured out you can add this

location.href = '#' + id;

and also have the page scrolled to the position of the referred div.

Solution 3:

You can use the window.location.hash to see the hash value. From there you can getElementById(hashValue) and show it.

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