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Event.ctrlkey Works In Ie And Chrome But Not Firefox On Legenditemclick

Built a feature that deselects all but the ctrl-clicked item. It works fine in IE and Chrome, but not in Firefox. Try the jsfiddle at Tried to capture t

Solution 1:

If you take a look the source code you'll see that it stores the event on event.browserEvent. It's a fixed bug:

So, why you have to use event.browserEvent instead of window.event ? Simple, because window.event doesn't exist in Firefox.

legendItemClick: function(e) {
    var visibility = this.visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden';

    if (!e.browserEvent.ctrlKey) {
        if (!confirm('The series is currently '+ 
            visibility +'. Do you want to change that?')) {


Source code - relevant code:

.on('click', function (event) {
    var strLegendItemClick = 'legendItemClick',
        fnLegendItemClick = function () {

    // Pass over the click/touch event. #4.event = {
        browserEvent: event// < -- here is the magic

    // click the name or symbolif (item.firePointEvent) { // point
        item.firePointEvent(strLegendItemClick, event, fnLegendItemClick);
    } else {
        fireEvent(item, strLegendItemClick, event, fnLegendItemClick);

Solution 2:

you can use something like this:

var evtobj = window.event ? event : e;
                if (evtobj.shiftKey) {
                    //do something
                } else {
                   //other things

This will work in Chrome, IE and firefox.

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