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Angular Bootstrap Popover Hide After Few Seconds

This is my html code:
  • Solution 1:

    Inspired by @dfsq's idea about tt_isOpen, you could create a custom directive to do the auto hiding.

    .directive('popoverAutoclose', function ($timeout) {
      return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
          var timeoutHandle;
          scope.$watch('tt_isOpen', function (isOpen) {
            if (isOpen) {
              timeoutHandle = $timeout(function () {
                scope.tt_isOpen = false;
              }, +attrs.popoverAutoclose || 5000);

    And use it like this:

    <li class="pop" popover="popover text goes here" popover-autoclose="2000" popover-trigger="mousedown">

    Example Plunker:

    Solution 2:

    The only way you can do it I can think of is a little weird, but working. Add ngMousedown handler to your LI element and define a handler for it in controller:

    <liclass="pop"popover="popover text goes here"ng-mousedown="mousedown()"popover-trigger="mousedown"><a><iclass="icon-link"></i> Link</a></li>


    $scope.mousedown = function() {
        var tooltipScope = this;
        $timeout(function() {
            tooltipScope.tt_isOpen = false;
        }, 2000);

    The idea is that AngularUI's popover uses $tooltip service internally, which defined a bunch of internal properties in the scope of the element. One of those properties is tt_isOpen. If you set it to false tooltip will hide.


    Solution 3:

    the simplest way is to create a variable that is a boolean, and give it a True/False values, and if you clicked on the pop-up a method will be called throw the controller and will be a timeout that flips the variable to a False. This variable will be used in the tag "ng-show" to show and hide.

    Best Regards

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