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Zurb Foundation 5 + Rails 4 : Toggle-topbar Won't Work

I have tried everything in my knowledge (however little there is), but I can not make the top bar menu render properly on small screens. I want the menu to reduce down to a clickab

Solution 1:

Besides the suggestion below, make sure to change the href in

<ulclass="title-area"><liclass="toggle-topbar menu-icon"><ahref="#"><span></span></a></li></ul>

to href="" .

I've copied the last comment from

You will need to add

gem 'jquery-turbolinks'

to your Gem file then do the usual bundle install

Following this change your javascript manifest file (application.js) to run in the following order:

//= require jquery//= require jquery.turbolinks//= require jquery_ujs//= require foundation//= require_tree .
$(function(){ $(document).foundation({});
// any other code etc//= require turbolinks

This will ensure turbolinks runs AFTER everything else (especially foundation in this case).

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