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Using Iframes In Angularjs

Using Angular 1.2+, I'm trying to work out an 'angular' way to load in an iFrame but I can't find any tutorials/any real discussion on this anywhere. Basically, I have a search pag

Solution 1:

As for AngularJS 1.2, there you should use the $sce service:

<iframe width="500" height="400" ng-src="{{detailFrame}}"></iframe>

$scope.detailFrame= $sce.trustAsResourceUrl("");

Good luck...

Solution 2:

Due to Same Origin Policy, you can't get cross domain data by using XMLHttpRequest.

I'm not quite sure that what you really want to do.

You could try to bind iframe src attribute and clicked link url together to achieve the function if you just want iframe to show the web page which user cliked.

I wrote a simple example:


<divng-appng-controller="searchPage"><divng-repeat="page in searchResults"><ang-click="itemDetail(page._infoLink)">{{page.label}}</a></div><iframewidth="500"height="400"ng-src="{{detailFrame}}"></iframe></div>


function searchPage($scope){
  $scope.searchResults = [{label:"BBC",_infoLink:""},{label:"CNN",_infoLink:""}];

  $scope.itemDetail = function(link){
      $scope.detailFrame = link;

Here is the jsFiddle demo

BTW... You could try server proxy if you really want to use XMLHttpRequest to grab data from 3-party web site and dump it to somewhere (You can't dump data to iframe src attribute! It only accepts the URL of web page).

Solution 3:

Really struggled on just using regular dom to st iframe.src. Grr... Angular bends the light toward it.

 .state('nav.iframer', {
            url: '/iframer',
            templateUrl: 'app/dashboard/iframer.html',
            controller: function($rootScope, $sce){

                    var f = window.frames.iframer;//
                    this.frameUrl= $sce.trustAsResourceUrl("");


            controllerAs: 'framed'



Solution 4:

I think some more clarification is needed along with another example.

$sce is a service that you MUST inject. The reason it it is not included automatically is the overhead of performance, you certainly WANT to be able to only load up services that you NEED.

$sce.trustasResourceURL thus is important




function ($http, $scope, UserService, $location, $routeParams, Categories, Tip, error, $sce) {  
    // various code  $scope.detailFrame = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl("http://localhost:17308/Home/Index/2"); //hard coded

Then the IFrame:

<iframeng-src="{{detailFrame}}"align="middle"width="1000"height="800"frameborder="0"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>

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