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Resize A Draggable Fill With Easeljs

I've got a project where I'm using EaselJS to create a fill (rectangle) and text over it inside a container. My objective is to make this rectangle and text draggable to move it ov

Solution 1:

You issue is, that you are drawing your rects not at 0|0, the "standard" way is to draw your shape starting at 0|0 and then position the shape itself somewhere through .x and .y"#C51A76").rect(140,160,78,35);
=> changed to"#C51A76").rect(0,0,78,35);

and additionally I then placed the container at 140|160 + the regX/Y offset:

containerOpt0.regX = 78/2; //regX/Y to have is scale to the center pointcontainerOpt0.regY = 35/2;containerOpt0.x = 140 + 78/2;  //placement + regX offset/correctioncontainerOpt0.y = 160 + 35/2;

here's the updated fiddle:

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