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Opening A Url In A New Tab

I have an url like Response.Redirect('~/webpages/frmCrystalReportViewer.aspx?VoucherNo=' + txtVoucherNo.Text + '&VoucherDate=' + txtVoucherDate.Text + ' &strUserCode=' + s

Solution 1:

You are using URL with ~ and it won't recognize by javascript. You should process url with ~ by using ResolveUrl method which

converts a URL into one that is usable on the requesting client(c)msdn

In your case:

Response.Write(String.Format("'{0}','_blank')", ResolveUrl(pageurl)));

Solution 2:

With the help of JavaScript we can set the target property of form to _blank whenever we want to open the page in a new window. Try the following

I have an ASP.Net Button

<asp:ButtonID="btnPrint"runat="server"Text="PRINT BILL"Onclick="btnPrint_Click"OnClientClick="SetTarget();" />

I am calling the SetTarget() JavaScript function OnClientClick event of the ASP.Net Button Control as described below

<scripttype = "text/javascript">functionSetTarget() {
     document.forms[0].target = "_blank";

calling the btnPrint_Click method OnClick event Control as described below

protectedvoidbtnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Solution 3:

The answer given by anand360 worked for me. Thanks!!

I made a slight change in JavaScript as follows to access only the desired element.

document.getElementById["element_id"].target = "_blank";

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