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Nvd3 (d3 Js) How To Remove Y2 Axis

I'm trying to use the following example which is a line and bar chart combined. NVD3 Line & Bar Chart combination The problem I have is that I want the line chart and bar chart

Solution 1:

There's no option to disable the second y axis. What you can do is set it up to have the same scale as the y1 axis and then remove it after creating the graph, i.e.'.nv-y2.nv-axis').remove();

This will leave some empty space where the axis used to be, but at least it'll create the impression that there's only one y axis.

Solution 2:

Much like Lars' answer, this leaves a gap where the axis used to be, but I hid this with CSS.

.y2-axis {display: none}

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