Not Able To Trigger Knockout Data-bind Using Jquery
Solution 1:
jQuery and Knockout are fighting over control of the view. If you're going to use a viewmodel, use the viewmodel and do not manipulate the DOM except through the viewmodel. You have a viewmodel element that controls the radio buttons, you just need to set it. Knockout provides a click
binding, so you don't need jQuery to attach that, either.
varViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.selectedVal = ko.observable("fixedPrice");
self.selectedVal.subscribe(function (val) {
self.setSelected = function () {
<scriptsrc=""></script><inputtype="radio"data-bind="checked: selectedVal"name="1"value="fixedPrice" />Fixed Price
<inputtype="radio"data-bind="checked: selectedVal"name="1"value="allowBiding" />Allow Biding
<predata-bind="text:ko.toJSON($data,null,2)"></pre><inputtype="button"value="Click Me"data-bind="click:setSelected" />
Solution 2:
Welp! Don't mix KO and jQuery in this way. You're fighting Knockout, not using it. See this earlier answer I wrote for a very similar situation and extended explanation.
Note that this is certainly not a bug, jQuery will by default not trigger events on DOM changes like that. If you insist on mixing KO and jQuery this way, be sure to notify others like this:
isChecked: ko.observable(false),
onClick: function() {
$('.hn').prop('checked', true);
1. The radio button: <inputtype="radio"class="hn"data-bind="checked: isChecked"><br>
2. Trigger it with jQuery: <buttondata-bind="click: onClick">trigger</button><hr>
Debug info:<br><textareadata-bind="text: ko.toJSON($root)"></textarea>
Solution 3:
It looks like a bug. However, you can try to invoke the native click handler so the observable will be updated.
Here is a JsFiddle Demo
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