Looking For An Fp Algorithm To Compose Objects From Dot-separated Strings
I am trying to solve a specific problem using functional programming. My guess is that a fold should do the job, but so far the solution has eluded me. Starting from a dot-separate
Solution 1:
var seed = {},
str = "a.b.c";
str.split(".").reduce(function(o, p) {
return p in o ? o[p] : (o[p] = {});
}, seed);
console.log(seed); // {"a":{"b":{"c":{}}}}
Solution 2:
A fully functional variant:
functiontraverse(tree, path, leftover) {
if (!tree || !path.length)
return leftover(path);
var ntree = {};
for (var p in tree)
ntree[p] = tree[p];
ntree[path[0]] = traverse(tree[path[0]], path.slice(1), leftover);
return ntree;
functioncreate(path, value) {
if (!path.length)
return value;
var tree = {};
tree[path[0]] = create(path.slice(1), value);
return tree;
functionset(tree, pathstring, value) {
return traverse(tree, pathstring.split("."), function(path) {
returncreate(path, value);
var seed = {a:{f:"whatever else"}};
var obj = set(seed, "a.b.c", "whatever")
// {"a":{"f":"whatever else","b":{"c":"whatever"}}}
set({}, "a.b.c", "whatever")
// {"a":{"b":{"c":"whatever"}}}
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