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Knockout Add And Edit Observablearray Conflict

I have an observableArray which is displayed in a table using foreach binding where values are displayed inside textboxes. Now what I want to do is to add an edit link on each row

Solution 1:

In the subscribe handler, self.selectedDeduction.subscribe, you're adding an object to the list of loanDeductions when you should be adding a new instance of deductionLine just as you do when you declare self.loanDeductions.

Or to put it another way, self.loadDeductions is an observableArray of deductionLine instances, to which you then add an object with three properties.

Change that subscribe handler to push a new deductionLine(...) and you'll see the difference.

Solution 2:

I found the cause of the problem, I had to mirror every changes I made with my observableArray to my list.

var deductionLine = function (deductionID, deductionName, amount) {
    self = this;
    self.deductionID = ko.observable(deductionID);
    self.deductionName = ko.observable(deductionName);
    self.amount = ko.observable(amount);
    self.getreadonlyState = ko.observable('readonly');
    self.linkText = ko.computed(function () {
        return this.getreadonlyState() == 'readonly' ? "Edit" : "Stop Edit";
    }, self);

var deductionList = function (deductionID, deductionName, amount) {
    self = this;
    self.deductionID = ko.observable(deductionID);
    self.deductionName = ko.observable(deductionName);
    self.amount = ko.observable(amount);
    self.getreadonlyState = ko.observable('readonly');
    self.linkText = ko.computed(function () {
        return this.getreadonlyState() == 'readonly' ? "Edit" : "Stop Edit";
    }, self);

Here's the fiddle in case anyone bump into a similar issue.

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