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Jquery Updating Rails Form Partial Based On Selected Item In Drop Down

In my rails app I have a dropdown menu that a user can select an account to make a payment to: //_payment.html.erb

Solution 1:

If you want to access record information from your model inside of front-end javascript you will indeed want to setup a small api to query the database for that information. In ajax it would be something like this

function processDataFunction(data){

  success: processDataFunction(data){}

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get "/some-path/:some_id", to:"some_controller#some_view", :defaults => { :format => :json }
end#app/controllers/some_controller.rbclassSomeController < ApplicationControllerdefsome_view@some_records = SomeModel.find_by_id(params[:some_id])
    respond_to do|format|
      format.json { render json:@some_records }

Solution 2:

To access the information in the rendered partial without making another controller action, I collected all data I might need in the original action. That way I could get the exact result I was looking for without changing my routes and doing ajax request.

To do this I added methods to the controller new action. You can see from my original question, all accounts I may need information for are in the variable that is in the dropdown menu:


This is where the dropdown menu gets its information from

enter image description here

That variable is in the Transaction controller new action. So I created another variable storing an array on the line after the above variable:

@liability_accounts_payment_list_minimum_payments = {|account| account.minimum_payment.to_f + account.minimum_escrow_payment.to_f}

This new variable is an array of all the accounts minimum payments in the order they are listed in the dropdown menu the user will select from.

Then I changed the jQuery on the page to the following


  $("#payment-to-account").change(function() {
    var selected_item = $( "#payment-to-account option:selected" ).text();
    var selected_item_index = $( "#payment-to-account option:selected" ).index(); 
    //looks for something in parentheses followed by space moneysign " $"var regExp = /\(([^)]+)\)\s\$/;
    var matches = regExp.exec(selected_item);

    // array of minimum payments from accounts in list converted from ruby to jsvar min_payments = <%= raw @liability_accounts_payment_list_minimum_payments %>;
    // set the js variable to the appropriate minimum paymentvar selected_account_min_payment = min_payments[selected_item_index-1];

    switch (matches[1]) {
        $('#to-account-form').html("<%= j render 'payment_to_mortgage', f: @f %>");


        $('#to-account-form').html("<%= j render 'payment_to_all_other_liabilities', f: @f %>");


        $('#to-account-form').html("<br>" + "Contact support, an error has occurred");



The lines that have min-payment-field-hidden are because setting two different divs with the same id does not work. One div is being used to set hidden_field, the other is showing the user what the value is.

<-- To make sure the appropriate minimum payment is submitted to controller -->
<%= f.hidden_field :amount, :id => "min-payment-field-hidden" %>

  <%= f.label "Minimum Payment" %>
  <div id="min-payment-field"></div>

If you look at my switch statement, you can see I set the above value with these lines:


Now the user can see the minimum payment for the specific account they choose from the dropdown.

enter image description here

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