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Javascript Usages Of Bind Vs Curry*?

I'm trying to understand the difference between curry vs bind. The implementation of bind is : /*1*/ Function.prototype.bind = function () /*2*/ { /*3*/ var fn = this,

Solution 1:

bind forces you to attach a context to the function, while by using curry, you can delay the specification of function context until invoking the curried function, useful in many cases. consider the following example (not the perfect one, just to illustrate the idea):

functionQuery(sessionKey, dataBuilder) {
  this.sessionKey = sessionKey;
  this.url = "";
  this.dataBuilder = dataBuilder = function (term) {
      type: "POST",
      url: this.url,
      data: this.dataBuilder(term);

functiondataBuilder(entity, query) {
  var payload = JSON.stringify({
    'entity': entity,
    'searchTerm': query
    'session': this.sessionKey// will be always undefined if bind(undefined,...) is used
  return payload
var bindEx= dataBuilder.bind(undefined, "username");
var curryEx= dataBuilder.curry("username");

var usernameQuery = newQuery("id1234",bindEx); // won't work, this.sessionKey will be undefined
usernameQuery = newQuery("id1234",curryEx); // will  work, this.sessionKey will be id1234 in the DataBuilder

Solution 2:

There is a difference in intention.

Currying is to reduce the number of arguments, usually to avoid calling a function a lot with the same initial arguments. For example:

var celsiusToKelvin = add.curry(273.15);

bind() is to make sure that a function is attached to an object. It also happens to offer a currying facility, so yes you can use bind() to curry(), but if you want to curry, curry() has fewer arguments and shows your intention.

Solution 3:

I'd think it has something to do with compatibility with older browsers as bind is only available since ECMAScript 5.

See this for a list of .bind() support:

Also from what I've heard, most people still use curry because it looks cleaner as it doesn't need that extra undefined in the arguments.

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