How To Get Highest Value Text While Field In Same Class, Id And Name?
I want to get value from highest while text field in the same class I have tried to make a script like this but it does not work. == operator to ignore the type or use
as @RGS suggested.Solution 2:
$(".resbobot").each(function() {
You have to check text box value with string data type i.e. ' ' or else with integer data type because you are using equal value and equal type operator.
Solution 3:
var max = 0
$(".resbobot").each(function() { if ($(this).val()>max) { max = $(this).val()})
Solution 4:
=== Checks type and value, == checks value. So "100" === 100 returns false where "100" == 100 returns true.
Solution 5:
To find the highest value from the input fields using jQuery, use the following code:
var highestVal = null;
var curVal = Number($(this).val());
highestVal = (highestVal === null || highestVal < curVal) ? curVal : highestVal;
The above code will work even if the input values are all negative numbers.
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