Firestore - Getting Data From A Reference Like 'collectionname/{id}' And Iterating Over The Resulting List
I'm trying to get all data from 'anunturi_postate' reference list. Variable 'post_data' pushed to the list looks ok in the loop, but outside the loop, the list it's empty. I added
Solution 1:
async/await does not work inside a forEach loop in the way you expect. The loop does not return a promise that you can await, and will not finish before moving on to the following code. Use a for loop instead. Also, you can use each reference as if it was a DocumentReference object.
let user_posts = []
const array =
for (let ref of array) {
let post = await ref.get()
let post_data = await
console.log(post_data) // ok
console.log("user_posts:", user_posts)
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