Can A Child Class Respond To Events Captured By Its Super?
I have a custom class which I am extending for various purposes, and the following code is working just fine: class Inator { constructor(whichCanvas) { this.myCanvas =
Solution 1:
In your parent class add the listener to your canvas, and in the constructor, you can pass the listener actions.
You can do something like this:
classInator {
constructor(whichCanvas, mouseDown, mouseUp) {
this.myCanvas = whichCanvas;
this.myCanvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDown);
this.myCanvas.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp);
classBallgowninatorextendsInator {
constructor(whichCanvas) {
super(whichCanvas, (e) =>console.log("ballgowninator mousedown"), (e) =>console.log("ballgowninator mouseup"));
classYodelinatorextendsInator {
constructor(whichCanvas) {
super(whichCanvas, (e) =>console.log("yodelinator mousedown"), (e) =>console.log("yodelinator mouseup"));
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const b = newBallgowninator(canvas);
const y = newYodelinator(canvas);
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