Calling Settimeout With A For Loop
I've written a function that changes the css positioning of a div I've been successfully using setTimeout to call the function at a specific interval NOW what I'm trying to do is c
Solution 1:
You need to "anchor" the value of your loop iterator, otherwise it keeps incrementing and all the intervals affect the 29th one, which doesn't exist.
for(var x=0; x<28; x++) {
(function(x) {
// code goes here
However, 28 timers on one page is a really bad idea. Consider rewriting your code so that you only have one interval that calculates the new positions based on the speed value.
Solution 2:
My approach to these self calling functions.
var i = -1;
(functioncssPositioning() {
if ( i < 28 ) {
setInterval(cssPositioning, divs[divlist[i]].speed);
Solution 3:
Based on @Kolink's explanation, you can try
for (var x = 0; x < 28; x++){
var local = x; //anchor the variable changeDirection(divlist[local])}, divs[divlist[local]].speed);
Hope this helps.
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