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Backbone Views Not Working With Fetched Json

I'm having issues syncing JSON data received from the server with my views after a fetch. I do not have a collection of 'mainmodel', because I'm only working with one 'mainmodel' a

Solution 1:

You have two problems: one you know about and one you don't.

The problem you know about is that your mainmodel won't automatically convert your v4 JSON to a collection so you end up with an array where you're expecting a collection. You can fix this by adding a parse to your mainmodel:

parse: function(response) {
        response.v4 = newcollection(response.v4);
    return response;

The problem you don't know about is that your defaults in mainmodel has a hidden reference sharing problem:

var mainmodel = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        v4: new collection()

Anything you define in the Backbone.Model.extend object ends up on your model's prototype so the entire defaults object is shared by all instances of your model. Also, Backbone will do a shallow copy of defaults into your new models. So if you m1 = new mainmodel() and m2 = new mainmodel(), then m1 and m2 will have exactly the same v4 attribute. You can solve this by using a function for defaults:

var mainmodel = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: function() {
        return {
            v1: '',
            v2: '',
            v3: '',
            v4: newcollection()

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