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Sailsjs + Ext-direct (sencha Extjs)

I was wondering if anyone has used ext-direct with sailsjs. If you have or anyone with the know how, please can you direct me. Thank you. Here are some examples In regular nodejs

Solution 1:

The simplest way to do this would be using the customMiddleware config option of Sails. This option allows you to supply a function that will receive the underlying Express app as its sole argument, to which you can add your own routes or middleware. Find or create your config/express.js file and put in something like this:

// First, do all requires / setup necessary so that // `extdirect` and `ExtDirectConfig` exist, = {

    customMiddleware: function(app) {

        app.get(ExtDirectConfig.apiPath, function (request, response) {
            try {
                var api = extdirect.getAPI(ExtDirectConfig);
                response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
            } catch (e) {

        // Ignoring any GET requests on class path
        app.get(ExtDirectConfig.classPath, function (request, response) {
            response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
            response.end(JSON.stringify({success: false, msg: 'Unsupported method. Use POST      instead.'}));

        // POST Request process route and calls class, db, function (request, response) {
            extdirect.processRoute(request, response, ExtDirectConfig);


A more involved, but ultimately more re-usable strategy would be to create a custom "hook", or Sails plugin, for ExtDirect. Documentation for custom hooks is in development here.

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