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Redux-saga: How To Ignore One Error And Get Other Responses In Parallel Tasks?

Here is my code, fetch several reports in parallel : function fetchSingleReportRequest(reportId) { return axios.get(`/api/${reportId}`) } function* fetchReportsInfo({payload: {

Solution 1:

Descend your try-catch logic down into the anonymous function. That way you can define what to do each time a call fails. Here for example, I just return null on a fail here.

functionfetchSingleReportRequest(reportId) {
   return axios.get(`/api/${reportId}`)

function* fetchReportsInfo({payload: {data: reportIds}}) {
  const responses = yieldall( => {
    try {
      returncall(fetchSingleReportRequest, reportId)
    } catch (e) {

Solution 2:

This happens because you are not handling the error in the Promise itself.

You just need to add a catch block to the axios request inside fetchSingleReportRequest.

For example, you can write something like:

functionfetchSingleReportRequest(reportId) {
   return axios.get(`/api/${reportId}`)
     .catch(() => {

function* fetchReportsInfo({payload: {data: reportIds}}) {
   try {
     let responses = yieldall( =>call(fetchSingleReportRequest, reportId)))
     responses = responses.filter((res) => res !== null)
   } catch (e) {


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