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Rate Limiting To Prevent Malicious Behavior In Expressjs

Someone made me aware of some flaws in an application I'm working on (mostly within my JavaScript on the front-end), that leaves open the possibility of, say, clicking a ton of but

Solution 1:

You could use the Collate object in your webpage.

functionCollate(timeout) {
  this.timeout = timeout || 1000;
Collate.prototype = {
  time: 0,

  idle: function() {
    var t = newDate().getTime();
    return (t - this.time > this.timeout && (this.time = t));

  prefer: function(func) {
    this.func = func;
    this.timer = setTimeout(func, this.timeout);

If you want a function to run once and not run again within the next 1 second. Like if you want to prevent the user from submitting a form many times, you do this:

var timer = newCollate(3000);  //3 seconds
button1.onclick = function() {
    if(timer.idle()) {
    } elsealert("Don't click too quickly!");

//or on the form tag

<script>var submitTimer = newCollate(3000);</script>
<formaction="post"onsubmit="return submitTimer.idle();">

If you expect an event to fire multiple times and only want to react to the last time it fires. Like if you want to search after a user has finished typing, you do this:

var timer = newCollate(700); //0.7 seconds
textfield1.onkeyup = function() {
    timer.prefer(function() {;

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