Plotting Latlng Coordinates From Json Array On Google Map --- The Markers All Stack Up In The Same Location
I have a Json array that contains latitude and longitude coordinates. Here's a sample: 'zones':[{'Zip':35824,'Latitude':34.647995,'Longitude':-86.738549},... I'm attempting to us
Solution 1:
I think the problem is that new google.maps.LatLng() expects (number,number) as the parameters and you're passing in a string in the format "number,number".
If you change the addMarker() function to have two parameters (e.g. latitude,longitude) that should work:
functiongetLocations() {
$.getJSON("http://localhost:1117/zones/latlng", function (json) {
var location;
$.each(json.zones, function (i, item) {
functionaddMarker(lat,lng) {
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng),
map: map,
icon: redImage
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