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Keydown + Keyup Events For Specific Keys

I'm trying to make the background color change when certain keys are held down. For example, when the 'r' key is being held down, the background should be red. When the 'r' key is

Solution 1:

Handle Keyboard in JavaScript

1. List of Action functions

Create an Object literal list with your desired functions. Say you have a character you want to move, here are some example Actions:

constAction = {
  powerOn()  { console.log("Accelerating..."); },
  powerOff() { console.log("Decelerating..."); },
  brakeOn()  { console.log("Break activated"); },
  brakeOff() { console.log("Break released");  },
  exit()     { console.log("Nice drive!");     },
  // clutch, colors, lights, fire... Add more, go wild!

PS: In a real-case scenario every single function would contain the actual logic to handle the character, being it a one-time "move-by-N-px", or act as a proxy to populate a queue which is than consumed by a frame-rate engine like Window.requestAnimationFrame. You can also create functions to change colors, etc. You got the general idea.

2. Associate Keys to Actions by Event.type

Associate KeyboardEvent.key to the desired Action for a desired Event.type (←must be lowercase):

const keyAction = {
  w:      { keydown: Action.powerOn,  keyup: Action.powerOff },
  s:      { keydown: Action.brakeOn,  keyup: Action.brakeOff },
  Escape: { keydown: Action.exit }

Notice that the key-names "w""s""Escape" are represented as the returned value of the preferredKeyboardEvent.key, instead of the numeric KeyboardEvent.keyCode. We're humans, not robots.

3. KeyboardEvent handler

Finally, let's listen to the "keyup""keydown" Events and trigger a callback function keyHandler, that will eventually trigger our specific Action function, say i.e: keyAction["w"]["keydown"]() which is actually our spaceship's powerOn Action function!

constkeyHandler = (ev) => {
  if (ev.repeat) return; // Key-held, prevent repeated Actions (Does not work in IE11-)if (!(ev.keyin keyAction) || !(ev.typein keyAction[ev.key])) return; // No such Action
  keyAction[ev.key][ev.type]();  // Trigger an Action

['keydown', 'keyup'].forEach((evType) => {
    document.body.addEventListener(evType, keyHandler);


constAction = {
  powerOn()  { console.log("Accelerating..."); },
  powerOff() { console.log("Decelerating..."); },
  brakeOn()  { console.log("Break activated"); },
  brakeOff() { console.log("Break released");  },
  exit()     { console.log("Nice drive!");     },

const keyAction = {
  w: { keydown: Action.powerOn,  keyup: Action.powerOff },
  s: { keydown: Action.brakeOn,  keyup: Action.brakeOff },
  Escape: { keydown: Action.exit }

constkeyHandler = (ev) => {
  if (ev.repeat) return;                             
  if (!(ev.keyin keyAction) || !(ev.typein keyAction[ev.key])) return;

['keydown', 'keyup'].forEach((evType) => {
  document.body.addEventListener(evType, keyHandler);
Click here to focus this window.<br>
Then, use [<kbd>W</kbd>], [<kbd>S</kbd>] or [<kbd>Esc</kbd>] keys on your keyboard.

Example for your specific request:

constchangeBG = (color) => = color;

constAction = {
  red()    { changeBG("#f00"); },
  yellow() { changeBG("yellow"); },
  orange() { changeBG("orange"); },
  reset()  { changeBG(""); },

const keyAction = {
  r: { keydown:,    keyup: Action.reset },
  y: { keydown: Action.yellow, keyup: Action.reset },
  o: { keydown: }, // No keyup for this one :)

constkeyHandler = (ev) => {
  if (ev.repeat) return;  
  if (!(ev.keyin keyAction) || !(ev.typein keyAction[ev.key])) return;

['keydown', 'keyup'].forEach((evType) => {
  document.body.addEventListener(evType, keyHandler);
body { transition: background: 0.3s; }
Click here to focus this window. <br>Keys:<br>
[<kbd>Y</kbd>] for Yellow<br>
[<kbd>R</kbd>] for Red<br>
[<kbd>O</kbd>] to permanently set to Orange

Solution 2:

$().ready(function() {
  $('body').on("keyup keydown", function() {
    if(e.keyCode == 114 || e.keyCode = 121) {
      $(this).toggleClass("key" + e.keyCode)

Now just match the css rules with your css classes

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