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Javascript Date Range Between Date Range

I'm trying to have an IF check to see if X date range is between Y date range. But it's not returning the correct true/false on the correct time: var startdate = new Date('06/06/20

Solution 1:

If you're trying to detect full containment, that is fairly easy. (Also, you don't need the explicit return true/false, because the condition is a boolean anyway. Just return it)

// Illustration://// startdate                          enddate// v                                        v// #----------------------------------------#////         #----------------------#//         ^                      ^//         startD              endDreturn startD >= startdate && endD <= enddate;

An overlap test is slightly more complex. The following will return true if the two date ranges overlap, regardless of order.

// Need to account for the following special scenarios//// startdate     enddate// v                v// #----------------#////         #----------------------#//         ^                      ^//         startD              endD//// or////              startdate        enddate//                 v                v//                 #----------------#////         #------------------#//         ^                  ^//       startD              endDreturn (startD >= startdate && startD <= enddate) ||
       (startdate >= startD && startdate <= endD);

@Bergi's answer is probably more elegant, in that it just checks the start/end pairs of the two date ranges.

Solution 2:

To check if they overlap with any days, use

if (endD >= startdate && startD <= enddate)

which is equivalent to

if ( !(endD < startdate || startD > enddate)) // not one after the other

Solution 3:

In your example, the new dates are both outside the range.

If you want to check if there is any overlap between the date ranges, use:

return (endD >= startdate && startD <= enddate);

Solution 4:

here is the logic in nodejs

exportconstisDateOverlaped = (firstDateRange: { from: Date; to: Date }, secondDateRange: { from: Date; to: Date }) => {
  // f-from -----------f-to//          s-from -------------- s-toconst overlappedEnd =
    firstDateRange.from <= secondDateRange.from && >= secondDateRange.from && <= f-from ----------------------- f-to//          s-from --------- s-toconst overlappedBetween = firstDateRange.from <= secondDateRange.from && >=            f-from -----------f-to// s-from -------------- s-toconst overlappedStart =
    firstDateRange.from >= secondDateRange.from && firstDateRange.from <= && >= secondDateRange.toreturn overlappedEnd || overlappedBetween || overlappedStart

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