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How Does Uft Perform The Click Method When Using The Web Add In?

I am testing a highly javascript based application on Internet Explorer 8.0 with UFT 11.50. I would like to know how UFT implements the 'Click' method under the hood when using the

Solution 1:

It can do either, by default UFT replays using DOM events but you can change the replay type to device in which case it queries the HTML element's location and simulates a mouse click on that location.

The replay mode is controlled by Tools->Opitions->Web->Advanced->RunSettings or in the script by:

Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2 ''# Changes to device mode
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1 ''# Changes to event mode

Note that in event mode UFT doesn't just send a click, it sends other events that typically are used by applications (such as focus, mousedown and mouseup) unless the registry value ReplayOnlyClick in the WebPackage settings is set to 1.

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