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Highlight Bindings In A Document

I have an Office Add-in using JavaScript API for Office 1.1. I am trying to highlight bindings in a Word document and bindings to cells in Excel documents so the user can easily re

Solution 1:

You have several options here. To highlighting with formatting, use the RangeFormat object to modify the outline, background, or other properties. Here's the code for a background fill: (ctx) { 
    var myRange = ctx.workbook.bindings.getItem("myBinding").getRange();
    myRange.format.fill.color = "FFFF00";
    return ctx.sync(); 

Alternatively, you can draw the user's attention by causing their selection to move to the binding: (ctx) { 
    var myRange = ctx.workbook.bindings.getItem("myBinding").getRange();;
    return ctx.sync(); 

Finally, if you want the code above to work in Excel 2013 too, you can accomplish the same thing with this snippet:

var myDoc = Office.context.document;
myDoc.goToByIdAsync("myBinding", Office.GoToType.Binding, function (asyncResult) {});

-Michael Saunders, program manager for Office add-ins

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