Date Validation For Birth Date, Joining Date And Leaving Date
Solution 1:
Validation function
var validateData = function () {
var bday = $('#birthdate').val();
var jday = $('#joiningdate').val();
var lday = $('#leavingdate').val();
if (bday && jday && bday > jday) {return}
if (bday && lday && bday > lday) {return}
if (jday && lday && jday > lday) {return}
is called onClose event of datepicker, after what error message can be displayed. Feel free to change error displaying method.
onClose: function () {
validateData() ? $('#errormsg').hide() : $('#errormsg').show();
To add some css to error message add class to it like
<div id="errormsg" class="error-msg">Invalid date</div>
And then you can move display: none;
to your css
Demo for required fields
Solution 2:
Completed JS Fiddle is here
First up let me assume that you actually meant the following
- Joining date should not be less than Birthdate
- Leaving Date should not be less than Joining Date and BirthDate
and not the other way around, please correct me if I am wrong.
Now going for the solution, you can achieve this by using jQuery Validation Plugin. Simply add a custom validation function to the plugin and validate the form against it. Please see the sample code
<form id="myForm">
<p>Date Of Birth:
<input type="text" name="datepicker_dob"id="datepicker_dob" />
<p>Date Of Joining:
<input type="text" name="datepicker_doj"id="datepicker_doj" />
<p>Date Of Leaving:
<input type="text" name="datepicker_dol"id="datepicker_dol" />
<button type="button"id="saveButton">Save</button>
Initialize your Datetime picker like this
$(document).ready(function() {
$("[id$=datepicker_dob],[id$=datepicker_doj],[id$=datepicker_dol]" ).datepicker({
// add this option when you initialise the datetime picker, this will// validate date based on our custom validation rule when we select a date onSelect:function(){
Next up is adding a custom validator function
$.validator.addMethod("dateValidatorLE", function(value, element, params) {
var isDateValid = true;
$(params).each(function(i) {
// alert($(params[i]).val());
isDateValid &= (Date.parse(value) > Date.parse($(params[i]).val()))
returnthis.optional(element) || isDateValid;
}, $.validator.format('general error message'));
The validate your form
$('#myForm').validate({rules: {
datepicker_doj: {
dateValidatorLE: ['#datepicker_dob']
datepicker_dol: {
dateValidatorLE: ['#datepicker_dob', '#datepicker_doj']
},messages: {
datepicker_doj: {
dateValidatorLE:'DOJ must be greater than DOB'
datepicker_dol: {
dateValidatorLE:'DOL must be greater that DOJ and DOB'
},onkeyup:function(e) {
Let me know if this is helpful to you.
Solution 3:
I don't really get how you want your code to look. Anyways, it's a simple validation that you can put in a function if you want :
functionvalidateMyForm() {
return ($('#txtdoj').val() <= $('#txtdateofbirth').val()
&& $('#txtdol').val() <= $('#txtdateofbirth').val()
&& $('#txtdol').val() <= $('#txtdoj').val()
&& $('#txtdol').val() <= $('#txtdateofbirth').val());
This will return true if the form is valid or false if it's not
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