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Create Javascript Function That Works With Intellisense

I want to take advantage of visual studio intellisense therefore I have read: Anyways why I do not get intellisense with: func

Solution 1:

You are initializing the return value to an Object so it's on that which the Intellisense is based. If you initialize it to an empty Customer, then the Intellisense will detect that it is returning a Customer

functionTest() {

    var c = newCustomer(); //only for Intellisense


    return c;

Test(). //Customer members now appear

You can also use /// <param /> to specify the parameter type:


        success: function (foundCustomer) {
           /// <param name='foundCustomer' type='Customer' />
           foundCustomer. //Customer members appear            

Finally, your document.URL.length trick can also be used in the casting method:

Object.prototype.CastToCustomer = function() {

  var c = newCustomer();
  if (document.URL.length) c = this;
  return c;


Solution 2:

If you change your Customer function to accept arguments:

function Customer(opts) {
    var opts = opts || {}; = 0;
    this.firstName = '';
    this.lastName = '';

    for (var i in opts) {
        if (opts.hasOwnProperty(i)) this[i] = opts[i];

Then inside your Test function, change c = foundCustomer to c = new Customer(foundCustomer). I'm guessing this might trigger the intellicense?

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